Truck Docking System [TDS]

The Truck Docking System [TDS] is specially designed for loading and unloading docks for reversing truck to minimise damage to docks and doorways.

The Truck Docking System [TDS] pecially designed for loading and unloading docks for reversing truck to minimise damage to docks and doorways and for staff inside the doorway to know when the truck has docked and it is safe to open the loading dock door.


When the truck reverses into the loading dock, it is detected by a distance measuring radar which then indicates via the exterior traffic light if it is still far away (green light) or if it is now in range and approaching (amber light). In addition, this radar is accompanied by detection photocells at the dock entrance, which indicate the truck has arrived at the dock, causing the exterior traffic light to turn red.

When the truck arrives, the exterior traffic light will start flashing an amber alert to warn the driver to place the wedge on the rear wheel of the vehicle. Once placed, the wedge will activate a signal to the internal switch box to notify the operators inside that they can now open the door and the beacon will turn green on the internal dock.

In turn, operators can also see a light indicating whether or not the door can be opened.


Outside the dock:

  • Outside traffic light
  • Electronic wheel chock or wedge
  • Distance measuring radar
  • Detection photocell
  • Outside connection box


Inside the dock:

  • Switch box with RGB beacon on top
  • Open door sensor and audible alarm
  • Traffic Light



Pedestrian Alert System

Collision Avoidance System

Blind Spot System


Visual Alert System


Truck Docking System (TDS) Sales Sheet