As the COVID vaccine starts shipping around the world, now is the time, more than ever, to ensure COVID-19 vaccine temperature monitoring is in place during shipping so it’s known that all doses administered meet efficacy standards so the patient is protected. Our COVID-19 Vaccine Temperature Monitoring Indicators gives you all the information you need being the duration and time of a specific temperature exposure. Blood, medicine and vaccines can be susceptible to temperature damage in the cold chain. With the huge growth in the number of temperature-controlled healthcare products being shipped and particuliarly now with the COVID-19 Vaccine rollouts, the Timestrip PLUS and WarmMark range of indicators offers invaluable visual aids to logistics companies when in transit and doctors, patients and healthcare workers when in storage and when ready for us. The ShockWatch single-use Blood Temp indicator is specifically designed to monitor the core temperature of a blood bag. When a more detailed record of the shipment’s temperature data is required, a temperature recorder like LOG-IC can be used, even when the product is being shipped in dry ice. Where previously it may have been necessary to rely on hand-written notes of dates and times, easy-to-read Timestrip Time indicators can prompt nurses or patients themselves when repeat doses or dressing or cannula changes are due. This is particularly useful in helping hospital staff to comply with infection control procedures.